Using Spring Cloud Kubernetes External Library

In this article I’m going to introduce my newest library for registering Spring Boot applications running outside Kubernetes cluster. The motivation for creating this library has already been described in the details in my article Spring Cloud Kubernetes for Hybrid Microservices Architecture. Since Spring Cloud Kubernetes doesn’t implement registration in service registry in any way, and just delegates it to the platform, it will not provide many benefits to applications running outside Kubernetes cluster. To take an advantage of Spring Cloud Kubernetes Discovery you may just include library spring-cloud-kubernetes-discovery-ext-client to your Spring Boot application running externally. Continue reading “Using Spring Cloud Kubernetes External Library”

Spring Cloud Kubernetes For Hybrid Microservices Architecture

You might use Spring Cloud Kubernetes to build applications running both inside and outside Kubernetes cluster. The only problem with starting application outside Kubernetes is that there is no auto-configured registration mechanism. Spring Cloud Kubernetes delegates registration to the platform, what is an obvious behaviour if you are deploying your application internally using Kubernetes objects. With external application the situation is different. In fact, you should guarantee registration by yourself on the application side. Continue reading “Spring Cloud Kubernetes For Hybrid Microservices Architecture”