Courses & Trainings

Currently I’m publishing my courses online for free on my YouTube Channel.

The first available course is Microservices With Spring Boot And Spring Cloud.

Spring Microservices Course

It consists of 6 parts:
1. Introduction to Spring Boot (~35 mins)
2. Distributed Configuration and Service Discovery (~36 mins)
3. Inter-service communication (~34 mins)
4. API Gateway (~21 mins)
5. Event-driven Microservices (~40 mins)
6. Testing (in progress …)

Currently I’m working on the course Microservices On Kubernetes.

Microservices on Kubernetes

It will consist of around 10 parts:
1. IDE & Tools (~6 mins)
2. Cluster setup (~7 mins)
3. Skaffold and Jib (~7 mins)
4. Best practices (~7 mins)
5. Inter-communication & gateway (~9 mins)
6. Service mesh (~8 mins)

It is also possible to organize courses and workshops online with me for a group of more than 5 people. If you are interested in such courses or workshops, please contact me for more details: