Kotlin Scope Functions

Scope functions is one of the Kotlin feature I really like. When using such a function on an object, you are executing a block of code within the context of that object. You won’t find a similar feature in Java. There are five scope functions available in Kotlin: let, apply, run, with and also. In fact all of them is doing the same thing – execute a block of code on an object. However, there are some differences and we will discuss them on the simple example of code. Continue reading “Kotlin Scope Functions”

YouTube Channel Released!

My YouTube channel has been finally released! It is available here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAieNgran7umupT_D50KaGw. I’m going to publish there tutorials and courses in the same subject matter as on my dev blog: Microservices, Containers, Spring Boot, Kubernetes etc.

Continue reading “YouTube Channel Released!”

Running Kotlin Microservice on Google Kubernetes Engine

In this article I’ll guide you through the steps required for building and running simple Kotlin microservice on Google Kubernetes Engine. We will use such and framework like Spring Boot, Skaffold and Jib. Continue reading “Running Kotlin Microservice on Google Kubernetes Engine”