Guide to Quarkus on Kubernetes

Quarkus is usually described as a Kubernetes-native Java framework. It allows us to automatically generate Kubernetes resources based on the defaults and user-provided configuration. It also provides an extension for building and pushing container images. Quarkus can create a container image and push it to a registry before deploying the application to the target platform. It also provides an extension that allows developers to use Kubernetes ConfigMap as a configuration source, without having to mount them into the pod. We may use fabric8 Kubernetes Client directly to interact with the cluster, for example during JUnit tests. Continue reading “Guide to Quarkus on Kubernetes”

Simplify development on Kubernetes with Dekorate, Skaffold and Spring Boot

Although Kubernetes is a great solution for managing containerized applications, scaling and automating deployment, a local development on it may be a painful experience. A typical workflow includes several steps like checking the functionality of the code locally, building and tagging a docker image, creating a deployment configuration and finally deploying everything on Kubernetes. In this article I’m going to show how to use some tools together to simplify that process. Continue reading “Simplify development on Kubernetes with Dekorate, Skaffold and Spring Boot”

Deploying Spring Boot Application on OpenShift with Dekorate

More advanced deployments to Kubernetes or OpenShift are a bit troublesome for developers. In comparison to Kubernetes OpenShift provides S2I (Source-2-Image) mechanism, which may help reduce a time required for preparation of application deployment descriptors. Although S2I is quite useful for developers, it solves only simple use cases and does not provide unified approach to building deployment configuration from a source code. Dekorate (, the recently created open-source project, tries to solve that problem. This project seems to be very interesting. It appears to be confirmed by RedHat, which has already announced a decision on including Dekorate to Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes as a “Tech Preview”. Continue reading “Deploying Spring Boot Application on OpenShift with Dekorate”